Adolescent seizure impacts oligodendrocyte maturation, neuronal-glial circuit Formation, and myelination in the mammalian forebrain
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Shh from mossy cells contributes to preventing NSC pool depletion after seizure-induced neurogenesis and in aging
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Neuronal Activity Changes the Number of Neurons That Are Synaptically Connected to OPCs
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Neuron to Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Synapses: Protagonists in Oligodendrocyte Development and Myelination, and Targets for Therapeutics
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Cell Type-Specific Monosynaptic Viral Circuit Tracing in the Developing Brain
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Cell Type-Specific Viral Circuit Tracing Reveals Novel Insights into the Presynaptic Connectivity of Developing Cortical Circuits
Cocas, L. A., Fernandez-Garcia, G., Doll, J., Zamora-Diaz, I., and Pleasure, S.J. (2016). Cell Type Specific Viral Circuit Tracing Reveals Novel Insights into the Presynaptic Connectivity of Developing Cortical Circuits. Journal of Neuroscience, 36 (11), 3378-90.
Wrong place, wrong time: ectopic progenitors cause cortical heterotopias
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Pax6 Is Required at the Telencephalic Pallial–Subpallial Boundary for the Generation of Neuronal Diversity in the Postnatal Limbic System
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Emx1-Lineage Progenitors Differentially Contribute to Neural Diversity in the Striatum and Amygdala
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Identification of distinct telencephalic progenitor pools for neuronal diversity in the amygdala
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Differential Regulation of Telencephalic Pallial–Subpallial Boundary Patterning by Pax6 and Gsh2
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Perception precedes computation: can familiarity preferences explain apparent calculation by human babies?
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